Everyday is a new day I always say (like the P.O.D song...) and I think they are totally right. Everyday is a new day like if it was another day of the week. Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Everyday (the new day)... Got it?
I usually never know what day it is except when I check my work schedule but after, i really forget. For me every day is Everyday (and talking about that I don't have any everyday shoes that I wear every day? Why would a person wear the same shoes every day? Unless Everyday existed and I'd wear the same shoes on Everyday, haha...)
The difference between my days is what I do, who I meet and what happens every day. I barely feel that some days are another day because for me every day is always the same but not.
Maybe if I worked from Monday through Friday I'd notice the difference more because then I'd wait for every Friday to have a real weekend.
Today was Sunday and I really didn't know it was until I talked to Amanda (at 2am) and she told me she was hanging out (Amanda doesn't work on Sundays) so I assumed it was Sunday. It didn't feel like a Sunday to me or like any other day (what does a Sunday feels like?)
If every day was really the same, does that mean that I could make the same mistakes on Wednesdays and maybe fix it next one? Like in the groundhog day movie? That would be awesome. I would love to make some mistakes all over again every day!
I wonder if I'm lost in space? I wish every day was special and that Everyday was a real day, maybe I'd had more time.....