Monday, April 28, 2008

Cuantas posibilidades hay?

+Text message from Unknown number:

+Text message from Unknown number:
-U working?

My Reply:
-Who is this? I dont Work...

*Called the number, nobody picked up...*

+Sent a Text msg to unknown number again:
-Who are you!??? You dont have your name in your voicemail...

+Text message from Unknown number:
-Sorry about that, its me Emo. Just wanted to say that i have a show at Laundry Bar today. See you there.

+My Reply:
-Haha! Emo!? Daniel Emo? Im lost here, i dont know who you are....

+Text message from Unknown number:
-Emerson nerd. I saw you guys eating at flanigan's the other day and i forgot to tell you guys about my show tonight

+My Reply:
-What!?? I dont know what you are talking about... :-(
I gave you my number?

*waiting....waiting...waiting.... nothing happens...*

+Sent a Text msg to unknown number again:
- Can you call me and explain me please, im very curious and i need to know, sorry to bother...

*10 minutes later*

*ring....ring.... ring...*

- Hello?
- Yes, its me Emerson!
- I dont know you...
- Sorry, i think i got the wrong number...
- But you said my name!!
- Dont you work at flanigans?
- I used to work there, but that was 2 years ago... Who gave you this number?
- Martin..
- whoo!?? hahaha i dont know anybody with that name, and yours...
- Oh! Sorry, i think i got the wrong number!

- Ok, no problem...

******** O sea!**********

Cuantas posibilidades y probabilidades hay de que una gente llame a un numero equivocado, y ke este llamando a una persona con el mismo nombre y que trabajaba en el mismo sitio pero en anios diferentes!!!!!!??????

O sea:

1. Mi numero de celular es nuevo...
2. Nadie de flanigan's lo tiene...
3. No hay muchas "Sarais" en este pais (ke tu me digas ke me llamo juana o maria..)
4. Yo no conozco ningun Martin y mucho menos a un Emerson!

5. Yo tengo 2 anios ke no voy a ese lugar...
6. Flanigan's es una cadena de bares en la florida entera! Sabra Dios de cual el estaba hablando!

Mi pregunta es: Como konsiguio Martin mi numero!??? Y si se lo dio ekivokado! Ke maldita Coincidencia que precisamente era de una Sarai!

hehehe A que show era que me estaba invitando?

1 comment:

LM said...

hahah... diaj tu me habias contado!! que risa me dio leer esto.